Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Reality of Sugar

The Reality of Sugar 

It can be difficult to give up sugar- but your life may depend on it.

I have never felt that I have communicated the importance to avoid sugar sufficiently.

By sufficiently, I mean, that one would not even consider eating it. I have been called fanatical because of it, and one patient even calls me "sugar".

This extreme statement may not be necessary for good health, as moderation is often suggested as an alternative.  But the avoidance of sugar makes it much easier to resist the temptation (addiction) to consume concentrated sugar.  By that first bite, sugar consumption may become a vicious cycle..  It becomes a snowball effect and that is dangerous to your health.  This testimony I have heard from many patients who have beat the sugar habit.

Another thought to help you avoid sugar was to show you statistics about the the rising rates of diabetes in people. Diabetics are getting younger all the time-  IT IS AN EPIDEMIC. These may be our children.

I have seen the awful realization of a parent whose child was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.  Many patients have noticed the dietary habits in their children's diet and then realize that they may have been complicit in the creation of this disease.

HARSH, I know, but consider if it may be truthful.

If you think that this is a problem in your household, consider looking into the pantry and seeing what is in there .  A "soft drink"  has up to 12 teaspoons of sugar . The averages revealed by a Yale University Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity found that a majority of Americans understand that soda is bad for them.  Despite this, a Gallup poll reveals that 48 percent of surveyed Americans — nearly half! — drink soda on a daily basis.  What’s more, among those who drank soda, the average daily intake was 2.6 glasses per day.

That is 17 teaspoons of sugar a day.  And that is just their soda.

As with all the alarming statistics that exist on this subject and with full knowledge that I may be creating a numbing effect about this subject, I am still going to reveal them again.
  1. Soda is the largest source of dietary sugar in the diet of children and adolescents.
  2. Liquid sugar — has been associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome and with higher rates of Type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, insulin resistance and cardiovascular difficulties
You can have a marked change about this ! 
  1.  Go through your pantry, refrigerator and freezer and throw out ALL products with refined sugar.
  2.  Be a support person for someone in your house.   Group up if possible with another person and promise to help them through this.
  3.  The almost instant benefits ?   more energy ,  less cranky,  better reflexes,  better sleep,  loss weight .

I still feel I am missing the IMPACT that I desire.  I hope this is helpful and I believe if you try this for a month there will be no need for such stringent controls.



Ah on the positive note.

Alternatives to sugar :

NO sugar

Alternatives to chocolate:

Alternative to cookies:

Oatmeal raisin cookies can be made healthy and tasty : 

Some recent relevant story about the overuse of sugar :

A 12 year old girl was brought to see me by her Mother.   The Mom was quite distraught as she knew her daughter's diet contained far too much sugar.   It had gotten to the point that the child loved to dance and was not able to muster enough strength to get through her routine !

A woman in her forties has come to see us with a hyperactive thyroid.   She had lost a lot of weight and looked unhealthy.   During her report of finding I suggested that she stay away from sugar.   I cannot describe the look on her face but I knew at that point that this would be a point of contention.

A young woman who was having severe panic, anxiety attacks and was close to going on medication for it.  When I checked her it appeared there was a considerable variation of energy in the sugar processing systems.   With considerable problems with blood sugar your moods can be extremely volatile and can experience panic and depression.

After I told her that she would have to modify her diet she revealed to me that she was "addicted to sugar",  she had something very sugary at each meal.   She kept a "stash" of candy in her car, under her bed and in her classroom.   She was not willing to give this up.  After a considerable amount of time and the use of some herbs she progressively did much better.  So much so I hardly recognized her when I saw her.

I could write stories for the rest of the week about children we have been able to modify their diets and how much better they did in life and in school.

So what do you THINK ?

Please write any questions, concerns you have : 

Do you have given up sugar or, are having difficulty?

Let us help you! Take charge of your health and visit our Alternative Healthcare Center : Click on the link to check out our website!  Alternative Healthcare Center


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