Wednesday, August 29, 2018

How do you know if the treatment of your diagnosis will "heal" your symptoms?

How do you know if the treatment of your diagnosis will "heal" your symptoms? 

This question came to my attention from an experience I had with a veterinary student.  She arrived at Alternative Healthcare Center and was experiencing severe migraine headaches.  She had been diagnosed with Arnold–Chiari malformation. This problem blocked the cerebral spinal fluid near the base of the brain.  From her neurologist's opinion - only surgery would solve the problem.

I decided to check her nutritionally and see what I could find.   As you may imagine, she was pretty stressed from studying and considerably sleep deprived.  Consequently her adrenal glands were nutritionally deficient.  I explained to her what I had found and suggested to her a course of action.  
She told me,  " what the heck, what could it hurt?' 

She started on the supplements and within two weeks her headaches were significantly diminished.

From this experience I have decided, that although from an MRI it was evident that she had this condition,  "you" could not see the pain caused by it.  It was an assumption, although it made sense to me that her condition could cause the headaches.  Probably, often, it was the cause of the headaches in other people with this condition.

So from that point forward I have "ignored" the diagnosis and still proceeded with nutritional care but not abandoning her seeing her neurologist. 

There is an eastern philosophy saying about health, which I find to be quite workable.  "You cannot be sick and healthy simultaneously"  The corollary,  "  the more healthful activities you are involved in the more possibility that you will heal.  And like this woman had said," heck what could it hurt" !

You may want to keep this in mind when dealing with health issues.   Each doctor has a specialty and therefore has an opinion based on his training and expertise.  I find that if you can get your body to heal, many of the conditions and symptoms it may have, may very well heal.

Take Charge of Your Health! 

Visit our website : to find out more information about Alternative Healthcare Center and the all natural services we offer!

Dr. Marc D'Andrea DC,CCN

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