For the last three years I have been studying acupuncture. I am getting close to finishing the basic curriculum for the initial certification.
It is the first of three levels. As I continue this study I realize that I have more questions than answers.
Previously, when I decided to learn about another technology, which I felt was integral in Alternative Health Care, I had found a person who I felt epitomized acupuncture in the manner which would be most applicable to you and my practice.
I had found someone who is able to teach the material necessary to utilize acupuncture, but there is another factor. The mechanical practicality. Acupuncture is not just knowing where the points are but when to utilize which points at what time. I spoke to the doctor teaching the class and he said that comes with practice. I have heard this before and did not like that answer back then. My solution has always been find a master. See what I can do to help them and in return request that they share with me the years of experience they have with acupuncture.
About three month ago, I decided to look into acupuncture from a personal level. It started when I went to visit my daughter. In her apartment building on the bottom floor was an acupuncturist. She was Chinese and had been schooled in China. I saw her every day when I was visiting and used myself as a patient. Her evaluation was beyond my understanding but it WAS a valid analysis. It was based from evaluating pulse and the tongue.
I studied what she mentioned but realized it was time to find someone here in Atlanta. I found a person who was previously a surgeon and had went back to school to study acupuncture. His teacher was a gentleman who approached health care while blending a Traditional and Functional Medicine Approach.
Bringing the philosophy of acupuncture fits perfect in with our practice. It is brilliant and will assist me in what I do presently in my practice.
He suggested I read a book titled," Digesting the Universe". It helps blends together the types of medicine I mentioned above.
The reason is it is perfect for me as I am somewhat familiar with Western medicine and the Atlanta acupuncturist practiced medicine for a long while.
Sometimes when speaking to a traditional acupuncturist we do not share the same terminology. We may be saying the same thing but in a very different way.
So this is a perfect avenue for me to learn most effectively and expeditiously.
I will let you know how it goes.
I have a sit for a 14 hour test to receive my initial certification. This will verify my knowledge of basic acupuncture. But the practical application is best served here in Atlanta.
My next article will address what acupuncture is most effective for. So often it is adjudicated to a procedure done when nothing else has worked.It has a very definite use. I believe that undertaking this study has been quite beneficial and I believe it will help many patients.
Alternative health care is becoming much more accepted and I request that you do both those you know and your family to share it with them.
We have instituted a new program on the office, " Friends And Family". It will allow new patient to received 30% reduction of their initial visit.x
Previously, when I decided to learn about another technology, which I felt was integral in Alternative Health Care, I had found a person who I felt epitomized acupuncture in the manner which would be most applicable to you and my practice.
I had found someone who is able to teach the material necessary to utilize acupuncture, but there is another factor. The mechanical practicality. Acupuncture is not just knowing where the points are but when to utilize which points at what time. I spoke to the doctor teaching the class and he said that comes with practice. I have heard this before and did not like that answer back then. My solution has always been find a master. See what I can do to help them and in return request that they share with me the years of experience they have with acupuncture.
About three month ago, I decided to look into acupuncture from a personal level. It started when I went to visit my daughter. In her apartment building on the bottom floor was an acupuncturist. She was Chinese and had been schooled in China. I saw her every day when I was visiting and used myself as a patient. Her evaluation was beyond my understanding but it WAS a valid analysis. It was based from evaluating pulse and the tongue.
I studied what she mentioned but realized it was time to find someone here in Atlanta. I found a person who was previously a surgeon and had went back to school to study acupuncture. His teacher was a gentleman who approached health care while blending a Traditional and Functional Medicine Approach.
Bringing the philosophy of acupuncture fits perfect in with our practice. It is brilliant and will assist me in what I do presently in my practice.
He suggested I read a book titled," Digesting the Universe". It helps blends together the types of medicine I mentioned above.
The reason is it is perfect for me as I am somewhat familiar with Western medicine and the Atlanta acupuncturist practiced medicine for a long while.
Sometimes when speaking to a traditional acupuncturist we do not share the same terminology. We may be saying the same thing but in a very different way.
So this is a perfect avenue for me to learn most effectively and expeditiously.
I will let you know how it goes.
I have a sit for a 14 hour test to receive my initial certification. This will verify my knowledge of basic acupuncture. But the practical application is best served here in Atlanta.
My next article will address what acupuncture is most effective for. So often it is adjudicated to a procedure done when nothing else has worked.It has a very definite use. I believe that undertaking this study has been quite beneficial and I believe it will help many patients.
Alternative health care is becoming much more accepted and I request that you do both those you know and your family to share it with them.
We have instituted a new program on the office, " Friends And Family". It will allow new patient to received 30% reduction of their initial visit.x